Monday, August 29, 2011

Who’s afraid of the dentist? From Dr. Matt

Does the sound of a drill make your kiddo flinch or cringe? Does he or she worry about their twice-yearly dental checkup? Trust Dr. Matt and our team at Smiles Dentistry for Kids when we say they’re not alone! In fact, the Journal of the American Dental Association has estimated that 30 to 40 million people have a fear of visiting the dentist.

To eliminate some of that fear, we’ve put together six steps to help your child overcome their dental anxiety before visiting our Overland Park office.

1. What is your child most afraid of? Is it the sound of the drill? Does he or she have needle phobia? Have they been traumatized by previous dental visits? Have them write down their fears, one by one.

2. Don’t wait. The more frequently your child visits our office, the less work needs to be done at any one visit. Simply having their teeth cleaned professionally by Dr. Matt twice a year prevents many, if not most, problems.

3. Bring a distraction to your child’s appointment. Bringing along an iPod is a great idea. Just plug in those earphones, have them close their eyes, and get lost in the music. Listening to music can also be a pain killer.

4. Remind your child to relax. Inhaling slowly, and counting to five can definitely help. Have them hold their breath for 10 seconds, then exhale slowly to the count of eight. Repeat. It’s easier if they’re not totally focused on the work going on inside their mouth.

5. Ask. Before any procedure, ask Dr. Matt or one of our assistants why we’re using the tools we’re using. Ask us what we’re doing, what the tool is used for, and how it will benefit your child during their visit. Also, please ask about anti-anxiety medications that we may prescribe to help your child relax during your appointment.

6. We are here to help you. Remember, we are health care professionals who want to improve your child’s oral health, and will never judge your child or the state of your child’s mouth. Dr. Matt and team will do all we can to ensure a trauma-free and pain-free experience!

We hope this helps! For more on dental anxieties, ask us during your next visit to our office! Or, ask us on Facebook!

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