Sunday, January 23, 2011

Is sedation dentistry right for your child?

While our experienced and professional team at Smiles Dentistry for Kids strive to offer a comfortable experience for every patient who walks through our doors, we realize that fear or anxiety while visiting the dentist can affect a lot of kids anyway. For patients who need extra comfort and relaxation during their dental visit, we are pleased to offer sedation dentistry.

Does your child feel nervous or stressed about his or her upcoming dental appointment? Well your little one is not alone. In fact, almost 30 percent of the population experiences “dental phobia” when faced with visiting the dentist!

The reasons for patients’ fear of the dentist can be numerous, but are usually due to a traumatic experience during their childhood. This overwhelming anxiety can cause one to avoid modern dental care, resulting in poor oral hygiene and possible mouth-related issues such as gum disease.

Your child can benefit from sedation dentistry if he or she experiences one or more of the following:

* High fear of dental care
* Past traumatic dental experience
* Fear of needles and shots
* Trouble getting numb
* Fear of being numbed
* Sensitive teeth

We invite you to learn more about sedation dentistry on our website. If your child suffers from dental phobia, sedation dentistry may be the answer. Please give us a call at our convenient Overland Park office for more info about sedation dentistry, and we’ll be more than happy to answer your questions.

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