Saturday, October 30, 2010

Halloween safety tips from Dr. Matt Hillman & team

happy halloween Pictures, Images and Photos

Trick-or-treat! In the spirit of this weekend's sweet and spooky holiday, Dr. Matt Hillman and our team at Smiles Dentistry for Kids would like to remind all of our patients in Overland Park, Olathe, Kansas City and the surrounding areas of Kansas and Missouri to be safe while celebrating with friends and family. Here are a few tips all you trick-or-treaters could use for a ghoulishly good time.

A few Halloween safety guidelines before you head out:
• Young children should always be accompanied by an adult
• Carry a flashlight
• Wear a light-colored or reflective costume
• Choose face paint over masks for young ghosts and goblins
• Have an adult inspect all treats before the children dig in

We wish you all a safe, fun and happy Halloween weekend!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Donate your Halloween candy, and YOU could win NEW iPod NANO!

Dr. Matt Hillman and team are having a Halloween BuyBack this month - kids who wish to bring in their excess, unopened Halloween candy to our Overland Park office will be entered for a chance to win the NEW iPod NANO!! Of course they will also get a little extra prize no matter what for being SO generous!

The candy will be sent as a gift to our American soldiers serving our county overseas via Operation Gratitude. Here is your chance to show our brave service men and women how much you appreciate them. Join us as we "treat our troops" and support our children's health!

Watch the link above to get an idea of what Operation Gratitude is all about...THANK YOU :)

Monday, October 18, 2010

Connect with Dr. Matt and team on Facebook!

With Dr. Matt Hillman and Smiles Dentistry for Kids, a trip to the dentist can be fun! Our office is brightly colored with movies, cartoons and video games and a super friendly team that loves to work with children. Even if you visit our Overland Park office on a regular basis, did you know you can always connect with us on Facebook?

By “Liking” us at, you will receive regular updates and announcements from Dr. Matt and our office – all through your news feed!

See you on Facebook, and have a great week!

- Dr. Matt and team

Monday, October 11, 2010

Ask Dr. Matt: My daughter is turning one - when should I bring her in for a visit?

Excellent question! The short answer is, "First visit by first birthday."

Dr. Matt Hillman and our staff know that cavities know no age boundaries, and that is why we recommend a visit to our office at age one. That also happens to be the opinion of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Dental Association. The American Academy of Pediatrics suggests that children who are at risk of early childhood cavities visit a pediatric dentist by their first birthday.

Research has shown that cavities are increasing in preschool-aged children, and that more than one in four kids has had at least one cavity by the time they're four years old. In fact, many children get cavities as early as age two.

The appointment also covers topics such as the importance of baby teeth, nutrition, development and overall concerns you may have with your child. At Smiles Dentistry for Kids, we believe that a child's first visit with Dr. Matt should be enjoyable and positive. We take our time with each patient and never rush through visits. If your child needs extra attention or time to adjust to a new atmosphere, he or she will get it.

Have you scheduled an appointment for your child to visit with Dr. Matt at our convenient office in Overland Park? We hope to see you soon!

Monday, October 4, 2010

More updates from Smiles Dentistry for Kids!

Our staff recently joined a six-week weight loss/healthy living competition called the ‘Biggest Winner Ultimate Thinner.’ We are required to complete four workouts per week minimally (24 total workouts) during this time. This includes a combination of strength training and cardiovascular work!

In September, we also started our Cavity Free Kids Club - all kids who are cavity-free get their picture taken and are recognized at the end of every month. Has your child visited Dr. Matt Hillman for a checkup lately? Happy Monday!