Monday, September 27, 2010

Smiles Dentistry for Kids at the "Strut with your Mutt" dog walk!

This weekend, a few of our staff members attended "Strut with your Mutt" fun run/walk that benefits a local animal shelter here in Kansas City. Events included a 5K Fun Run, 1st Annual Cat Walk, 1 Mile Kids Run, Pancake Breakfast and Dog Pack Fundraising!

The money we helped raise will dramatically improve the lives of thousands of homeless, abandoned and abused animals.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Dr. Matt supports the Shadow Buddies Foundation!

Tonight, Dr. Matt Hillman and our staff will attend the 15th annual "A Kid at Heart" gala at the Hyatt Regency Crown Center. Shadow Buddies Foundation, a local charity that provides comfort and companionship to children who are battling illness, disability or chronic disease, is hosting the event.

Dr. Matt makes a donation to this worthwhile charity every year.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Dr. Matt Hillman, helping your child understand cavities

At Smiles Dentistry for Kids, we are fully aware one word no child wants to hear when they visit the dentist is "Cavity!" That’s right, the dreaded cavity; but what exactly is a cavity and how do you get one? A cavity is a hole that develops in a tooth when the tooth begins to decay. It’s important to get a cavity filled as soon as it’s detected by Dr. Matt Hillman so that it does not grow bigger.

So, what causes a cavity? A cavity is caused by plaque, a sticky substance that forms on the tooth as a result of germ and bacteria build-up. Plaque is acidic and as it clings to your teeth the acids eat away the outside of the tooth (also called the enamel) and a hole is formed.

Yes, cavities can be repaired by Dr. Matt, but here are a few simple steps you can take to prevent cavities:

• Brush your teeth at least twice daily
• Gently brush your gums to keep them healthy (when choosing a toothbrush it is recommended to use soft bristles)
• Floss your teeth at least once a day to remove plaque and food that may be caught between the teeth where your toothbrush can’t reach
• Limit the amount of soda and sugary treats you eat/drink
• Be sure to visit our Overland Park office every six months for a teeth cleaning and check-up

We hope that helps you and your child understand cavities a little better! Have a great week!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Dr. Matt Hillman, reminding you September is National Gum Care Month!

At Smiles Dentistry for Kids, we just can't believe it's already Labor Day weekend! But we can believe that gingivitis - the early stage of periodontal disease - can be difficult to recognize. Many people don't recognize the warning signs - bleeding and swollen gums, as a precursor to gum disease. This month, a national campaign is under way to raise awareness about gum health and periodontal disease, and we wanted to help do our part to spread the word!

Dr. Matt Hillman will tell you early recognition and action are the most important steps to health gums, and ultimately a health body, too! Studies are published every year linking oral health, including the gums, to the health of other areas of the body, such as your heart. One of the most important steps to improving the care of your and your child's gums is recognizing the warning signs for gum disease.

Dr. Matt and our staff at Smiles Dentistry for Kids know these can include:

• Gums that appear red or swollen
• Gums that feel tender
• Gums that bleed easily (during brushing or flossing)
• Gums that recede or pull away from the teeth
• Persistent halitosis, or bad breath
• Loose teeth
• Any change in the way teeth come together in the biting position

If you happen to notice any of these signs with your child, please schedule an appointment at our convenient Overland Park office by calling (913) 871-1170 as soon as possible. Dr. Matt and our staff can take proactive steps to prevent gingivitis and gum disease in your child, while showing you how to improve gum care in your child's daily oral hygiene habits.

We hope you're having a relaxing and wonderful Labor Day weekend!